Modern Slavery Policy

1. Purpose

This policy outlines Four Pillars Trading Pty Ltd commitment to identifying, preventing, and addressing modern slavery within our operations and supply chains. We are dedicated to conducting business ethically and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).

2. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and any other entities engaged in business with Four Pillars Trading Pty Ltd

3. Definition of Modern Slavery

Modern slavery encompasses various forms of coercion, deception, and exploitation, including human trafficking, forced labor, servitude, and slavery-like practices. It violates human rights and has no place in our operations or supply chains.

4. Commitment

Four Pillars Trading Pty Ltd is committed to:

Identifying and mitigating risks of modern slavery in our operations and supply chains.
Promoting awareness and understanding of modern slavery among our employees and business partners.
Ensuring compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2018 and other relevant legislation.
Continuously improving our practices to combat modern slavery.

5. Responsibilities

Management: Ensure that policies and procedures to combat modern slavery are implemented and adhered to. Promote a culture of ethical behavior and transparency.
Employees: Comply with this policy and report any concerns related to modern slavery.
Suppliers and Contractors: Adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct and demonstrate a commitment to ethical business practices.

6. Risk Assessment and Due Diligence

Four Pillars Trading Pty Ltd will:

Conduct regular risk assessments to identify potential areas of modern slavery within our operations and supply chains.
Implement due diligence procedures when engaging with new suppliers and contractors, including assessing their policies and practices related to modern slavery.
Require suppliers and contractors to complete a modern slavery questionnaire and provide evidence of their compliance measures.

7. Training and Awareness

We will:

Provide training to employees on recognizing and addressing modern slavery risks.
Ensure that employees understand their roles and responsibilities under this policy.
Raise awareness about modern slavery through internal communications and resources.

8. Reporting and Whistleblowing

Employees, contractors, and other stakeholders are encouraged to report any concerns or suspicions of modern slavery. Reports can be made confidentially through our whistleblowing hotline or email:
Whistleblowing Email:

All reports will be taken seriously and investigated promptly. Four Pillars Trading Pty Ltd Name is committed to protecting the rights of whistleblowers and ensuring there is no retaliation against individuals who report concerns in good faith.

9. Monitoring and Review

Four Pillars Trading Pty Ltd will:

Monitor the effectiveness of this policy and our modern slavery prevention measures.
Review and update this policy annually or as needed to reflect changes in legislation or our business practices.
Report annually on our actions to combat modern slavery in our operations and supply chains in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2018.

10. Communication

This policy will be communicated to all employees, contractors, and business partners and will be made publicly available on our website.